Sital’s BRM1553D MIL-STD-1553 IP core is a fully compliant BC/RT/Monitor IP building block that has passed 1553C RT Validation testing performed by multiple third parties. This validation testing has included Sital’s own MIL-STD-1553 transceivers and transformers.
Sital’s MIL-STD-1553 transceiver features the industry’s lowest power consumption, along with a mechanism to eliminate residual voltage dynamic offset, or “tails”. The BRM1553D IP core can also operate with other suppliers’ transceivers and transformers.
The BRM1553D includes a high-speed synchronous back-end interface between a host processor and the core’s internal registers and dual port RAM.
The BRM1553D’s register and memory architecture stores messages, along with control and status information in its shared memory.
To enable the re-use of existing software, this memory/register architecture provides hardware-level compatibility with DDC®’s Enhanced Mini-ACE®, Mini-ACE Mark3®, Micro-ACE®, Total-ACE® and Nano-ACE®.
Sital delivers its IP cores in “agnostic” VHDL netlist format, allowing it to be instantiated to any manufacturer’s FPGA family. The IP has been successfully ported to FPGAs from Xilinx, Intel/Altera, Microsemi and Lattice. The core is provided with simulation scripts and test bench code, including a bus tester VHDL model.
As with of Sital’s 1553 IP cores, the BRM1553D core is able to minimize FPGA logic resources by providing synthesis options for RT-only, BC-only, MT-only, RT/MT, BC/MT, and BC/RT/MT versions of the IP.
The cores are available with software APIs/libraries/drivers for Windows, VxWorks and Linux. As require, Sital can also provide drivers for other operating systems. These API/libraries/drivers provide API-level compatibility with DDC’s AceXtreme® library.
The BRM1553D, like all of Sital’s MIL-STD-1553 solutions, is available certifiable to DO-254 up to and including DAL A, with certification artifacts available from Sital’s third-party partner, Logicircuit. Similarly, its 1553 software drivers are available certifiable to DO-178 up to and including DAL A, also with certification artifacts available from Logicircuit.
Link for more information about our – DO-254 and DO-178 Certifiability.
Safe and Secure (SnS) technology – By means of enhanced continuous physical layer monitoring, Sital’s SnS sensors are able to detect cyber authentication (“spoofing”) violations.
The SnS sensors can also detect and locate intermittent and continuous electrical faults in the 1553 bus and stub cables, couplers, connectors, terminators and connected LRUs to help insure platform readiness.
Sital’s cutting-edge, innovative “SnS” Technology is designed for IP Core’s physical layer. Our solutions offer unprecedented cyber security and DataBus fault finder capabilities.
We supply our products with DO-254 and DO-178 certifiability, including DAL A. Our partners: Logicircuit and ConsuNova provide the DO-254 and DO-178 artifacts. Through enhanced physical layer monitoring, the patented “SnS” analyzes all DataBus messages and provides 2 unique capabilities.