Sital’s Innovative MIL-STD-1553 Bus Solutions with BC Firewall

Home > Sital’s Innovative MIL-STD-1553 Bus Solutions with BC Firewall

MIL-STD-1553 with the feature of SITAL's BC Firewall and SnS Option

Sital Technology proudly offers a broad spectrum of MIL-STD-1553 solutions. This includes a diverse range of intellectual property (IP) cores, integrated terminals, and a variety of interface board form factors such as PMC, PCI, PCI Express, VME, PC/104, and CompactPCI. Our offerings encompass advanced 1553 chips, bus interfaces, transceivers, transformers, couplers, and boards, setting new industry benchmarks for reliability and performance.

Our portfolio includes top-tier MIL-STD-1553 components such as transceivers, transformers, and bus couplers. Alongside this, we offer state-of-the-art tester boards and boxes. For diagnostics and testing, we provide USB-based 1553 testers complete with Windows API/library and driver support, plus Sital’s COMposer Windows GUI software, ensuring comprehensive testing capabilities.

DO-254 Certifiable MIL-STD-1553 IP Cores and Components

Another key point is, that Sital can supply its DO-254 certifiable MIL-STD-1553 IP cores, 1553 components, Multi I/O cards, and DO-178 certifiable software drivers with design assurance levels up to and including DAL A.

For use with its 1553 IP,  1553 component, and 1553 board-level products, Sital offers 1553 software drivers for real-time operating systems including VxWorks Linux, and drivers for most all operating systems.

Advantages of Sital’s DO-254 Certifiable Solutions

  • Reliability and Safety: By adhering to the DO-254 certification process, Sital ensures that every component and IP core delivers the highest levels of reliability and safety. It is a non-negotiable requirement in aerospace and defense applications.
  • Ease of Integration: Our MIL-STD-1553 solutions are designed for easy integration into existing systems. It reduces development time and accelerates the path to certification.
  • Customization and Support: Our team of experts provides extensive support throughout the integration process. Our clients can leverage our technology effectively to meet their specific needs.
  • Global Compliance: Sital’s DO-254 certifiable solutions are globally recognized, making them suitable for a wide range of international aerospace and defense projects. This global compliance simplifies the certification process for systems intended for international use.


Cost-Effective Alternatives for MIL-STD-1553 Integration

Sital’s IP and integrated terminals are low-cost second sources for industry-standard products, providing full register and memory map compatibility. Alternatively, Sital offers software that includes an industry-standard API/library, with drivers for multiple operating systems. In either case, this enables the reuse of legacy low-level software drivers and application software.

In addition, Sital’s integrated terminals provide pin-for-pin Development Tools.

For use with its IP, Sital offers development tools including transceiver/transformer boards with PMOD connectors. In addition, Sital’s “Integrated 1553” MIL-STD-1553 integration service.

This 1553 turnkey design leverages Xilinx’s Vivado design suite software to provide fully integrated 1553 FPGA solutions

SoC and MPSoC as well as FPGAs can be instantiated with SITAL’s 1553 IP.

Typically Sital’s 1553 IP cores; on the FPGA interconnect bus, are AXI; an on-chip processor; plus, API/library and OS driver software.

MIL-STD-1553 Solutions for Defense Applications

Sital Technology designs and manufactures an array of high-quality solutions tailored to the MIL-STD-1553 standard, supporting the U.S. Department of Defense’s rigorous requirements.

Our product line includes MIL-STD-1553 components, IP, boards, software drivers, connectors, and a mil std library, ensuring a wide range of options for our clients.

MIL-STD-1553 Safe and Secure with SnS Technology

For most of its MIL-STD-1553 solutions, Sital offers an option for its Safe and Secure (SnS) Technology. Utilizing enhanced physical layer signal monitoring, Sital’s SnS provides continuous cyber authentication for detecting “spoofing” (or impersonating) nodes on 1553 buses.

In addition, Sital’s SnS also provides electrical fault detection. This enables the detection and locating of faults such as intermittent or continuous open or short circuits in data bus and stub cabling, couplers, connectors, connected LRUs, and termination resistors.

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    MIL-STD-1553 Solutions

    Sital Technology manufactures a number of high-quality solutions for the MIL-STD-1553 standard of the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Sitals MIL-STD-1553 Components, IP, Boards, Software Drivers, Transceivers, Transformers, and Couplers.

    MIL-STD-1553 Safe and Secure

    For most of its MIL-STD-1553 solutions, Sital offers an option for its Safe and Secure (SnS) Technology. By means of enhanced physical layer signal monitoring, Sital’s SnS provides continuous cyber authentication for detecting “spoofing” (or impersonating) nodes on 1553 buses. In addition, Sital’s SnS also provides electrical fault detection. This enables detection and locating of faults such as intermittent or continuous open or short circuits in data bus and stub cabling, couplers, connectors, connected LRUs and termination resistors.

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