Best Quality Databus Solutions

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Best of Breed Products and Service

Sital’s products are designed and tested to the highest quality and industry standards including management processes compliant and certified to ISO9001:2015 specifications.

Proud To Serve
QMS Certificate
IQNET certificate
Iso certified

Quality Commitment

Sital is committed to deliver the highest quality integrated circuits, IP and software to meet or exceed customer requirements and specifications.

    Quality Assurance System:

    At Sital, the quality committee is responsible to review every purchase order and customer specification documents to ensure delivery compliance is met.

    Prior to manufacturing, work order and assembly guidance documents are generated based on the PO requirements and each manufactured order is reviewed and functionality verified prior to shipment.

    Supplier Management:

    All Suppliers are selected based upon past experience delivery high reliability products to leading aerospace OEMs and Primes and upon successful completion of a product qualification process covering assembly, manufacturing and control systems review. Production is monitored using critical end-point in-line data provided by the suppliers on a routine basis.

    Sital is performing routine onsite audits and production de-briefing meetings to improve supplier performance and further guarantee product compliance.

    Hardware Warranty:

    Sital provides 5 year warranty on all of it’s hardware products. For a full copy of the Hardware Warranty, please visit the following link

    Sital Hardware Limited Warranty_2019

    “What would have normally taken several hours for him to find, […] took all of 3 minutes to find a trapped harness behind I/P for the HUD module “
    NA Final Assembly Plant
    NA Final Assembly Plant
    “A field engineer is here working on a intermittent data line fault which we spent months trying to fix. He brought your Buffalo tool with him and I have to say, it has blown me away. It is an amazing tool with so much potential!”
    Mr Chilibeck, GM Canada
    Mr Chilibeck, GM Canada

    Secured Databuds

    Secured Databus

    Embedded Cyber Security
    On The Physical Layer



    +25 Years Of Producing
    Top Data-Bus
    Communication Solutions



    Space Grade Products,
    ValidatedFor The Most
    Extreme Environments

    Secured databus

    Wiring Fault Detection

    Real-Time, Pinpointed,
    Bus Faults Detection

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