Dual MIL-STD-1553 transformer, Dual secondary winding, surface mount
SITAL’s line of low cost 1553 transformers offers non QPL transformers complying with MILPRF 21038/27E electrical specifications.
Together with SITAL’s 1553 FPGA core and discrete transceiver circuit they offer a full cost effective 1553 solution.
The transformers are drop in replacement for standard through the board assembly transformers.
Sital’s cutting-edge, innovative “SnS” Technology is designed for IP Core’s physical layer. Our solutions offer unprecedented cyber security and DataBus fault finder capabilities.
We supply our products with DO-254 and DO-178 certifiability, including DAL A. Our partners: Logicircuit and ConsuNova provide the DO-254 and DO-178 artifacts. Through enhanced physical layer monitoring, the patented “SnS” analyzes all DataBus messages and provides 2 unique capabilities.