Device Drivers for BRM1553D FPGA IP

Home > Device Drivers for BRM1553D FPGA IP

Out of the box support for a variety of popular operating system and various IP core deployment options.


Sital provides embedded device drivers and software customization services for the BRM1553 FPGA IP Core to streamline product development and release. The device drivers provide out of the box support for a verity of popular operating system and various IP core deployment options including AXI bus and PCI/PCIe.

Sital’s device drivers provide a comprehensive higher level API framework which is DDC™ Enhanced-MiniACE™ compatible to further reduce integration time for legacy design upgrades.

The Sital device driver and BRM1553D FPGA IP cores are vastly used in smart munitions and LRU designs.

  • Full support for Sital’s BRM1553D, DO254_BRM1553D, BRM1553D-CS, ARINC429 and ARINC825 FPGA IP Cores
  • API compatibility with Data Device Corporation (DDC®) Micro-ACE®, Total-ACE®, Mini-ACE®, Enhanced Mini-ACE® and Mini-ACE® Mark3 chipset families
  • Enhanced features including MultiRT support for cost and form design reduction
  • Includes full source and sample application files
  • DO-178 DAL C compatible version available
  • OS Support: Linux, VxWorks 7.0, VxWorks 6.9,  VxWorks 653, Nutrino 7.0, PikeOS, Integrity, ThreadX, Windows 7+
  • Interface support: AXI, PCI, PCI-E, VME,, cPCI, PMC, XMC, FMC
  • Provided with 12 months of technical support and maintenance

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VxWorks 7.0 Device Driver for BRM1553D
Linux Device Driver for BRM1553D

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safe illustration

Safe and Secure DataBus Solutions

Sital’s cutting-edge, innovative “SnS” Technology is designed for IP Core’s physical layer. Our solutions offer unprecedented cyber security and DataBus fault finder capabilities.


We supply our products with DO-254 and DO-178 certifiability, including DAL A. Our partners: Logicircuit and ConsuNova provide the DO-254 and DO-178 artifacts. Through enhanced physical layer monitoring, the patented “SnS” analyzes all DataBus messages and provides 2 unique capabilities.

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